Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dungy Convinced Olbermann-Patrick Duo May Have More Than Just On-screen Chemistry

      The cameras don't always tell the truth.
      In a candid interview with the Northeast Hoboken Plain Dealer on Tuesday, former Indianapolis Colts head coach, and current NBC broadcaster, Tony Dungy revealed that he is suspicious about the nature of co-stars Dan Patrick and Keith Olbermann's relationship.
     "I don't want to go so far as 'faggy,'" said Dungy. "But I will say 'deviant' or possibly 'curious.'"

Even Brady Quinn's Dashing Good Looks Can't Save Cleveland Browns

(Actually posted by Anthony Masterson, but there was a formatting issue because, apparently, Blogger doesn't like Italians.)

Many NFL prognosticators were shocked (SHOCKED!) that a once-in-a-generation talent such as Brady Quinn could fall as low as number 22 back in the 2007 draft.

It wasn't just his War-and-Peace-esque list of accomplishments on the football field such as.......

Ok, I've got nothing. He ALMOST beat USC that one time. That was cool, right?

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away...

On the foggy moors of the colonies, an unlikely hero was forced to search for the courage to battle an empire...

Lines from the Matt Ryan Program: First catch ball from center. If earset not say give ball to unit M. Turner, then throw at unit R. White. Repeat until clock timer=0.

Out of the the mist, ominously, appeared a dark figure...