Pro Football Talk
Well folks, I'm back. I know you all missed me. It's obvious from the outpouring of anger in your emails toward Mr. Peterson. I believe they all went something like this:
From reader TheRealChefBoyardee:
Holy mozzarella, how-a dare you-a criticize Mr. Masterson-a per liking-a Chef-a Boyardee! I'll put my spicy meat-a-balls in your fazuls, capisce?
Apparently, Mr. Peterson's fan base does not lie in the Old Country...
With that being said, it's time for the Lendale White Fantasy Party Man/Douche of the Week Award. Now, I understand that Chris Johnson should earn it this week, I really do. He earned the most points (35), and basically single-handedly beat the everloving shit out of the Rams (yes, that still counts.)
But 1) Johnson has already won said award. Nobody needs to win it twice....unless you're the Douche. and 2) I'm pulling the Homer card this week and handing the Lendale White Fantasy Party Man to.....